Class of 2016: Celebrating firsts and history at Confluence Charter Schools Seniors from two high schools in the Confluence network will graduate in late May.
#DropTheSuit - MCPSA Informational Meeting, April 28, 2016 Parents invited to learn more about the SLPS lawsuit, impact on public charter schools.
Sneakers, a plan and a pitch Sneakers are the basis of a business plan for a Grand Center Arts Academy student.
A Note to our Confluence Charter Schools Community, April 21, 2016 An explanation of the SLPS lawsuit and its potential impact on charter schools.
April 19, 2016 – ACT test day for juniors Since 2014, the college entrance exam has been offered for free to juniors in Missouri.
10 Tips for Parents - Helping your child do well on MAP tests Missouri Assessment Program tests begin next week for many Confluence students.
Meet Patricia Henry, Old North teacher and local Science Teacher of the Year honoree The Academy of Science of St. Louis will honor Henry among 2016 award recipients.
Q-and-A with Andrew Goodin, Makerspace educator and Fishman Prize semi-finalist GCAA teacher stands out among nearly 800 applicants for education award.